#9. Land of the Lost - Review
Tuesday, September 7, 2010 at 11:46AM
Brandon Roberts

Will Ferrell in Land of the Lost 2009Who was Land of the Lost made for exactly? It looks like a children’s movie, but there are tons of dick and orgasm jokes sprinkled throughout. It is no wonder this film bombed last year; it didn’t know its audience. I for one think this movie is great, its crass and stupid, but is really a lot of fun. It has Danny McBride, which is all I really need, but Will Ferrell is playing the same inept-cocky-asshole he has been playing since Anchorman. Which is unfortunate, because the Ferrell movies I appreciate most are those in which he plays sweet and sincere, like 2004’s Elf and the great film he made in 2006 Stranger Than Fiction.

Danny McBride Land of the Lost is more than worth checking out though, especially if you value movies where you say, “I cannot believe they just did that,” every 5 minutes. There is a female lead in this movie, but I am pretty sure she was just written in so the other characters could grab her boobs, hump her legs, make “wet” jokes, and tell her to sit on anything pointy because it will probably feel good. The balls to put that into a film, and then tell America it is a children’s movie makes me feel good to be honest, I love a good prank. Unfortunately, considering how much money the studio lost on this film, I doubt they will fall for it again.

Article originally appeared on Controller Unplugged (http://controllerunplugged.com/).
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