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#27. Dead Snow - Review

Dead Snow poster / banner

Dead Snow should not be as fantastic as it is. The over-saturation of the zombie genre is quickly becoming a bore, but this is NAZI ZOMBIES, so it’s kind of all right. Its funny, but not a comedy, which is important to anyone growing tired of inane Evil Dead rip-offs. The story plays second fiddle to the refreshingly original deaths (how many ways can you kill a zombie with a snowmobile?) and the superb make-up design. This may not be horror at its absolute best, but if you are interested in a gorefest, this is one of the best on Netflix Instant Streaming. Definitely check it out.

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Reader Comments (1)

I've had my eye on this movie for about a year or so. I finally watched it within the last 4 months or so. I COMPLETELY agree with you on the makeup and creative killing. Actually I pretty much agree with your whole review - it's NAZI ZOMBIES!!!!!!!

October 5, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBeth

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