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#87. Trapped in Paradise - Review

Trapped in Paradise film posterI am just going to say this film wasn’t for me. This was right around the time Nic Cage was wearing out his comedic welcome (after he made a career in comedy with classics like Raising Arizona, Peggy Sue Got Married, and even Amos & Andrew), and when we all should have realized Dana Carvey was not funny unless he had drumsticks in his hands (do I need to bring up Master of Disguise?). Of course Trapped in Paradise is almost worth watching if you are a big Jon Lovitz fan, but even those few will have a hard time sitting through this stale mess. For some reason this film has its fans, in fact the only reason I gave it a shot was because a buddy recommended it to me. Obviously I didn’t enjoy my time trapped in paradise, but if you liked this flick let me know why. 

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