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#8. The Eclipse - Review

Cyrian Hinds in The EclipseThe Eclipse does not have werewolves. It does not have glittering vampires. What it does have is a widower, a writer, a drunk, a ghost, and a dieing man. I went into this film not knowing anything about the plot, and I believe I enjoyed it more because of that, so I will not give a synopsis of this film (but watch the trailer below if you are interested). I do want to say that this movie is a great hidden gem on Netflix Instant Streaming. There is a very subtle, very delicate love story being told throughout the film, with very sudden interruptions from the afterlife. Now, I watch a lot of horror films, I have said before it is easily my favorite genre. Unfortunately, it is close to impossible to scare me. I have seen it all. Well, this flick scared the Hell out of me! I can’t call this a horror movie, but it has the best “jump scares” I have seen in a film in a long time.The Eclipse Poster

The acting is great, especially Aiden Quinn who plays the aforementioned drunk. He is a real son of a bitch, but a sincere portrayal of celebrity, and what expectation does to a man.

I have to mention the box art for the movie. It is horrible! It is just looks so stock, very phoned-in. I have seen this film’s cover art floating around my Netflix page for a few weeks, and I always glazed over it. I would have never watched it if it wasn’t for Jerrett Richards suggesting it to me, which I am grateful because I really enjoyed my time with The Eclipse.

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Reader Comments (2)

Remember when we saw Frailty? There was at least 1 scene in that that scared you wasn't there? Maybe not, maybe it was just me ;-) I'm so stoked to watch this. I think I might have even added it to my queue out of boredom a few days ago....oh I am so looking forward to it! Not a bad trailer either.

September 7, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBeth

Didn't we see Frailty with that Lt. I was messing around with? That is a great example of a movie I hated in the theater, but now love. I watch it at least twice a year...

September 7, 2010 | Registered CommenterBrandon Roberts

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