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#38. The Dark Knight - Review

The Dark Knight bannerAfter watching the recent release of the full Dark Knight Rises trailer, I couldn't remember what happened to Harvey Dent (aka Two-Face) at the end of The Dark Knight. I could not figure out for the life of me why Aaron Eckhart was not in the new trailer, so I had to rewatch The Dark Knight to refresh my memory. So I won't spoil anything for those of you who are crazy enough not to have seen The Dark Knight yet, but all makes sense now. I have watched this film probably a half-dozen times since its release in 2008, and there is not much more I can say that hasn't already been said a million times before. Heath Ledger gives a masterful performance, Dent is terrifying, and Bale's Batman voice is rediculous. What else is there?

I will say, somewhat surprisingly, the emotional turns the film takes near the end of the 2nd act really hit me hard. I don't know why, but for some reason it got a little dusty during the conversation between Dent and Rachel Dawes before you know what happens. 

I am pretty sure this film will always hold up, and I am trying to keep my expectations low for Rises, I just don't see how Nolan and company can match what the they accomplished with The Dark Knight. I decided to showcase some of my favorite Dark Knight posters and artwork from around the wide world of the internet. I hope you enjoy these images as much as I do!

The Dark Knight poster artThe Dark Knight poster art




















The Dark Knight poster art

The Dark Knight poster art




















The Dark Knight poster artThe Dark Knight poster art





















The Dark Knight poster art

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