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Entries from December 26, 2010 - January 1, 2011


#76. Hot Rod - Review

Hot Rod film cast

Hot Rod is like waking up on a Saturday morning in a panic, and then realizing you don’t have to go to work. It fills your body with such a natural, euphoric bliss that nothing else can make you feel that good ever again. Each set-up, punch line, gag, one-liner, and dance montage come together to form the perfect film. I love Hot Rod like some love freedom; it is a God given birthright to feel this good. Long live Rod Kimble and the noble virtues for which he bravely risks his life to uphold!


#75. Trick 'r Treat - Review

Trick 'r Treat film poster

 Watching Trick ‘r Treat while passing out candy has become a Halloween tradition in my house.  Michael Dougherty’s film borrows heavily from Romero’s Creepshow series, employing an anthology structure with revolving characters set inside a comic book. The horror movie consists of a handful of scary stories; the werewolf, the serial killer, the ghost, the masked killer, the vampire, they are all here. Each tale is fresh and unique, proving Dougherty has a quirky originality desperately missing from the horror genre. Like most anthologies, there are one or two shorts that don’t work as well as the others, but Dylan Baker’s sinister school principal and Brian Cox’s reclusive Mr. Kreeg easily steal the show. Fans of horror will fall effortlessly in love with Trick ‘r Treat, and I would bet non-fans will find plenty of creative ideas and characters to keep them entertained. Check it out and let me know what you think.


#73. & #74. Toy Story 3 - Review

Andy in Toy Story 3

Toy Story 3 is the culmination of everything Pixar has been working towards for the last 20-years. It graciously offers a film that entertains viewers of all ages, without ever resulting to pop-culture references or talking down to the audience. It handles its content maturely and thoughtfully, giving the viewer (be it a child or an adult) the benefit of the doubt that they can understand and appreciate what he or she is watching.

There has not been a shortage of love for Toy Story 3 since its release last Summer, so instead of telling you how much I love it (which I really do), I am just going to mention the really big problem I had with this film: Andy. I have not seen a more unrealistic 18-year-old since Jason Priestly played Brandon Walsh in Beverly Hills 90210. I understand that it is really sweet, and necessary, for Andy to still have an emotional attachment to his toys at his age, but I found his level of devotion distracting. At a time in his life when he should be concerned with going out with his buddies and boondockin’ chicks, lil’ Andy is longingly staring into the eyes of his cowboy doll. Now listen, I understand sentimentality, I still my Nintendo. However, as soon as I discovered my penis, my Nintendo’s controller instantly became my 2nd favorite thing to play with, you understand what I’m saying? 


#72. Grown-Ups - Review

Grown Ups film banner

Grown-Ups was not nearly as bad as I thought it would be, and not nearly as good as it could have been. Adam Sandler’s yearly cinematic escapades with his SNL buddies have moved passed stale and are inching towards unbearable. The jokes are lame and rarely funny, and I am pretty sure I absolutely hate the fat mall-cop guy. These “comedies” only serve to remind me that Sandler is capable of so much more (Punch Drunk Love) and Chris Rock should just stick to stand-up and directing. And how the hell is it that Rob Schneider is allowed to step in front of a camera? I would hate him if only I cared.


#71. Come to Light: Edward Curtis - Review

Come to Light: Edward CurtisCome to Light, a documentary that chronicles the life and death of famed photographer Edward Curtis is an interesting, if at times shallow investigation into the man and the impact he had on the Native American culture. Renown for his exhaustive pursuit of photographing the North American Indian, his pictures have both inspired and handicapped the culture that he so diligently captured. His story is both motivating and tragic, and if you have any interest in American history or Native American cultures, or are as fascinated by man’s obsessive nature as I am, then check out this documentary if you can find it. I would start with your local library.