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Ok, so my 2-week vacation quickly turned into a 3-month hiatus. To my three or four regular readers (hi dad) I apologize. While I have not kept up on my end of the bargain as far as writing goes, I have still been keeping track of all the films I have watched. In the next few days I am going to be updating my giant (150+) backlog, to see just how close to 500 I got before my 365-day deadline is up on August 31st. I will mostly just publish the name of the film, and perhaps a few thoughts, but will probably not write any reviews. On September 1st I will officially start back at 0 and once again attempt to hit the 500 film milestone. I will be attending the Big Bear Horror Film Festival later next month, so that should provide a healthy number of films to start the list off with! All right guys, like always keep reading and leaving comments, and if you have any ideas or film recommendations let me have them.


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