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#85. Evil Dead 2 - Review

I watched Evil Dead 2 in my Film Genre: Horror class earlier this week. I know the Sam Raimi trilogy is super cool and ironic (in a “I know its terrible, but I love it anyway” way), but I do think I need to hold off on watching it again for at least a decade, if not longer. I mean, unlike a lot of people who were introduced to the Evil Dead series in high school or college, I literally grew up with this franchise. I had 1 & 2 on VHS growing up, and I saw Army of Darkness in the theater! I am not trying to brag, but I don’t want to get any crap for saying Evil Dead 2 felt tired to me. It’s my fault, I know. I have probably watched 2 specifically at least 30 times. The opening is brilliant, and the hand bit to this day is still unmatched. Bruce Campbell plays Ash with a heroic gravitas that is still a little bit more subdued than his full-blown caricature in Army of Darkness. I am not complaining about the film, I just need to take a step back for a while, that’s all.

If you have seen Evil Dead 2 let me know what you thought, and please remember to click the “share” button below.

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