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« #84. Sunset Boulevard - Review | Main | #83. Beautiful Girls - Review »

I'm Baaaaack!

Ok so I know its been a couple weeks since my last entry. I was assistant directing for Chapman and then got super sick (like had to go to the ER sick), but I am all better now. School is back in session and the movies are coming fast and furious so I will need to update my backlog as quickly as possible. I have been keeping a list of the movies I have watched which I have attached below. Because there are close to 40 flicks I need to write about, I will not be writing long reactions, but I will try and get the site up to date for those of you keeping track (hi Beth and Cory)...

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Reader Comments (1)

WAHOO!!! I was getting worried! Can't wait to read the new reviews because there's a few there that I've been waiting for your opinion on. Welcome back friendo...

February 1, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterCory

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