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#8. Oktober - Review

October EisensteinSergei M. Eisenstein’s 1928 film October is brilliant example of propaganda filmmaking. Shot in documentary style, it is nearly flawless in its ability to convince the viewer of truth, while at the same time projecting its political intentions so flagrantly it is now laughable in retrospect. It is not as discussed as his earlier film Battleship Potemkin, but both films share similar themes and have grandiose set pieces that are as brutal as anything you will see on screen today. 

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    Response: Star Picket
    ,干群联合开展防汛应战实地演练; ,干群联合开展防汛应战实地演练; 7月17日上午,邯郸市魏县防汛抗旱指挥部在该县东风渠穿漳涵洞下 干群联合开展防汛应战实地演练 游漳河主河槽进行了 干群联合开展防汛应战实地演练 漳河魏县东王村分洪口门分洪及蓄滞洪区群众撤退转移安置演练,干群联合开展防汛应战实地演练。   此次演练活动主要针对漳河遇超标准洪水时的分洪处置办法和方式,模拟邯郸市防办紧急通知标准,在漳河下泄洪水达到1500个流量,卫河行洪达到2500个流量,漳河、卫河洪水已发生顶托,上游仍在泄洪的状况下,需撤离分洪区群众和应做好的分洪准备 干群联合开展防汛应战实地演练 。
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