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Entries by Brandon Roberts (232)


New "User Suggestion" Section

Ok... this should make it a lot easier for everyone to post your movie suggestions. Just go to the new User Suggestion section, and post your list of films. What is awesome about this is that I can personally respond to your post, as well as any other readers. So suggest away...


#3 GlenGarry Glen Ross - Review

Glengarry Glen RossGod I love this film. A film about four salesmen desperately trying to survive in a world that doesn't want them or what they are selling, has no business being as good as it is. Pacino, Lemmon, Arkin, Harris, Spacey. I can end my post right there and everyone should want to go search this film out. The playwright David Mamet wrote the script after spending some time as a real estate salesman, in an office not unlike the one used as the main location for the film.  These men are the snake-oil salesmen of their generation, the type of guys who can be your best friend, sell you $90,000 worth of swampland in Florida, then evaporate into thin air with your money and their bonus. At least, that's how it used to be for these men, like Shelley "The Machine" Levine (Jack Lemmon). Once a top seller for his faceless bosses Mitch & Murray, he has hit a dry spell, a slump that he may not get himself out. Lemmon is in full effect here, in my opinion giving his best post The Apartment performance of his career. With a sick wife and a daughter in college, the Machine is stalling, and desperate. His is a heartbreaking story, only made more frustrating by his stubbornness. Glengarry Glen Ross

Mamet's language is sharp and truthful. These men sing his coarse, vulgar dialogue like a back-alley opera. You can see the actors relish each and every syllable, giving career defining performances. This is Al Pacino in the early 90's, and you can see the Scent of a Woman "hoo-ha" monster just begging to come out. Alan Arkin is as nervous as ever, and Ed Harris is a man pushed to his limits. Those limits are in the form of a salesman's bread and butter, the "leads." The leads are those little slips of paper your wife always fill out at chinese restaurants hoping to when a free cruise, but all they really are is a way for businesses like Mitch & Murray to get your information and sic there frothing hounds on you. Well, M&M are withholding the new leads from their sales force, basically disabling them from doing their jobs. Instead what the men get are the old leads, with names they have seen over and over again for the past two years, and yet are expected to do their job and sell sell sell.

What we experience is the complete meltdown of a man, not only financially and professionally, but also the complete destruction of a man's id. Every level of ego is slowly and dramatically put to the test, and then subsequently murdered. As in life, 1st place prize is a brand new Cadillac, 2nd place prize is a set of steak knives, and 3rd place is your fired.  


GlenGarry Glen Ross Coming Tomorrow!

I cannot wait to talk about this film! Its a movie I have seen at least a dozen times, and my wife is reading a David Mamet play so I made her sit down and watch GlenGarry Glen Ross. I am going to write my reaction tomorrow, but I want to post this Alec Baldwin monologue from the movie... Its one of my favorite monologues in one of my favorite movies ever! Even if you don't read anything I write, watch this clip!


#2. Throne of Blood - Review

Throne of BloodLast night I watched Akira Kurosawa's film Throne of Blood for the first time. The film is an adaptation of William Shakespeare's Macbeth, but Kurosawa only uses the original play as a stepping-off point to weave his own tale of murderous ambition in ancient Japan. It is always an odd feeling just having finished a "classic" film for the first time. I am always suspicious of my reactions to a film like Throne of Blood because I feel as though I have a responsibility to enjoy it. Critics and audiences alike have been praising this film for close to 50 years, so of course I have to love it, right? Even worse, what does it say about me if I didn't get it? If, God help me, I didn't just fall in love with the movie does that mean I am not smart enough? That I am not cut out to analyze film? I guess the best I can do is just come on here and give my honest reaction... It was pretty good. At first I really thought I hated it, but throughout my entire day I couldn't stop thinking about the samurai Washizu, and his inevitable and unavoidable downfall, having been shown his own future. Would things have turned out as tragically as they did if he had not known his own fate? Should a man's ambition also be his wife's, or is it the other way around? I am a married man, and I confess it is very easy to mix and confuse our dreams and goals. Of course, my wife doesn't look like Asaji (Isuzu Yamada): This woman is frightening! The way she moves across the frame is terrifying; eerily resembling both an apparition and a snake slithering in for an easy kill. I am sure many comparisons to Adam and Eve have been made in the past. Lady Asaji scaring the shit out of me!

The theme of man's ambition is what I found most interesting in Throne of Blood. Throughout the film, Washizu proves the extremes he is willing to go in an effort to reach his goal of being emperor. But, was that his goal before the evil woman in the woods told him it would be so? I would argue, Washizu had very little ambition. This was a content man before the women in his life pushed him to murder, I imagine Washizu would be very happy just leading a group of soldiers on a battlefield, or perhaps having charge over a military fort. He didn't need to be emperor, and yet, he still died as one.

 After 24 hours to think about it, I think the critics had it right these past 50 years. This is a "classic" film, filled withstartling and chilling imagery, thoughtful and patient storytelling, and a rapid, almost hectic editing style rarely seen in a Kurosawa film. This is a film I will buy very soon, if for no other reason than to watch it every time my wife pisses me off... 20 minutes with Lady Asaji will remind quickly how good I have it!







Next Up... Kurosawa's Throne of Blood

I just watched it last night, so I will post my thoughts later this afternoon.


Paranormal Entity - Review

Ok.. so I got a request for Paranormal Entity, and I have already seen the film and talked about it on an old blog, so i will just post what I wrote over there over here... got it?


Paranormal Entity PosterParanormal Entity is the most recent addition in an ever-evolving list of movies (if you would call them that) whose main goal is to as closely emulate other, more successful films, without being sued. They are currently being called "Mockbusters." For example: Transformers and its rip-off Transmorphers PosterTransmorphers, or Land of the Lost compared to The Land That Time Forgot. As I am sure you have already figured out, Paranormal Entity tries its hardest to trick unsuspecting viewers into believing they are watching last year's hit Paranormal Activity. Well, all I can say is don't fall for it. This film, shot completely with handheld cameras, makes no sense and never takes advantage of its chosen style, utilized better in films like The Blair Witch Project, and yes, Paranormal Activity. Unless your interested in a hackneyed horror movie with bizarre incestuous undertones, I suggest you watch something... anything else.


# 1. Mother - Review

Mother Blu-Ray CoverThe 1st of 500! I started out my movie pilgrimage in South Korea, within the mind of the deliriously brilliant director Bong Joon-Ho and his newest film Mother. Unfortunately I am not so sure that was a smart move, because I find it hard to believe I will watch another movie this perfect in the next year, even if I decided to watch 1000 films. With a plot that may sound straightforward, the mother of a simpleminded man must prove her son's innocence when he is accused of a local high school girl's murder, it will not take long for you to realize this movie is not going to be familiar formulaic American fare. Not even close. Instead what Joon-Ho delivers is a mesmerizing look into the love and devotion of a woman who's entire existence is centered on protecting her boy. What she finds within the depths of her small Korean town is horrifying if nothing else. Mother (she is never given another name) will stop at nothing to uncover the truth, but what is so frightening is the woman's fanatical drive to reach her goal, perhaps becoming a monster far greater than anything she hopes to find.

The Host South Korean Poster

What I found most compelling about this film was Joon-Ho's patience with his storytelling, and the courage to trust his film and his lead actress (Kim Hye-Ja) to venture as far as they needed to go. If you are expecting a film like the director's 2006 monster movie The Host than you might feel slightly disappointed. What very little comedy there is in Mother is not as black as The Host, and the quirkiness that the family in his earlier film shared is no where to be found in Mother. Still, this film is a must-see, a must-own, and must-love film. Bong Joon-Ho is clearly stepping above his peers like Chan-Wook Park and achieving the heights of his obvious influences, who among others must be Hitchcock. Mother is candid where Rear Window could not be, and far darker than Psycho or even Lifeboat.